
Our roadmap is carefully designed to ensure that each step forward leads to a meaningful development in the project and adds value to our community. Here's an outline of the major milestones we plan to achieve:

  1. Completing ADAM Documentation

  2. ADAM Hosting and Remote Access

  3. Making Flux Production Ready

  4. Social Organism Implementation in ADAM

  5. ADAM AI

  6. Coasys App

  7. Synergy Engine MVP

  8. Introduce ERC-20 SynergyToken

  9. Build Partnerships

  10. Implement full Holochain based SynergyFuel

Each of these milestones is a stepping stone towards our ultimate vision of a self-sustaining, agent-centric, and decentralized knowledge ecosystem. We look forward to your support as we embark on this exciting journey.

Last updated