
Flux: The First App of the New Web

Flux is a fully decentralized social toolkit that enables communities to coordinate with greater privacy, agency, and collaboration. As the inaugural application built on the ADAM infrastructure, Flux is a testament to the unique advantages of this new paradigm. You can try Flux (and therefore, ADAM) for free at https://fluxsocial.io or see in action below.

Here are some of the key features that make Flux an embodiment of the Web-B vision:

  • Highly Customizable and Composable: Flux allows communities to compose dynamic experiences by building their own features, customizing their UI, and integrating their favorite third-party tooling.

  • Private, P2P Networks: Flux allows for the creation of private, p2p networks that exist only between its members and remain independent from centralized servers or third-party entities.

  • Sovereign Data and Identity: The information and identity you create is portable across all applications in the ADAM ecosystem.

  • Dynamic Communication: Users can can create various channels including p2p messaging, forums, audio & video, and project management. This can evolve into any form a community desires.

  • Community Channel Types (app store): This will allow users to install games, tools, and other apps made by the community.

Future implementations in Flux promise to enrich its functionality even further. Some of the exciting features on the horizon include:

  • Distributed Governance: Flux plans to integrate ADAM's built-in Social Organism capabilities to implement DAO equivalents, facilitating the design of value flows within your social space.

  • Native Web3 Functionality: Flux has plans to build native crypto features such as p2p crypto payments, wallet integrations, token gating, and more.

  • Integrations: Flux is primed for integrations with any popular Web2 or Web3 services. Some examples include Discord or Telegram channel plug-ins, decentralized asset management, decentralized proposals and voting (Snapshot), viewing a contact list for crypto payments, and more.

Last updated