Financial Sustainability

Coasys plans to explore multiple income streams to sustain the development of the ADAM network and Coasys application. These potential income streams include:

1. Fees on Synergy Engine Queries

Coasys proposes taking a small percentage of SynergyFuel as a query fee for resolved queries on the Synergy Engine.

2. Centralized ADAM Agent Hosting Services

Coasys aims to address the challenge of hosting applications and data in the distributed internet space by providing tools for remote access to ADAM and offering a centralized hosting service, which would still allow users to maintain data ownership while having easy and constant access.

3. Application Marketplace

Coasys plans to support the creation of new ADAM applications and establish an open database. To address the safety and security concerns for users, Coasys will assist in identifying trustworthy ADAM applications and provide a user interface for browsing and discovering applications.

Last updated