
The Problem

In today's interconnected world, the ability to make sense of complex issues is crucial to navigate an increasingly volatile landscape, and the need for accurate information and effective sense-making has never been more critical. Unfortunately, the current information landscape is not conducive to this, with numerous factors contributing to the breakdown of sense-making:

  • Information Overload

  • Proliferation of Misinformation and Disinformation

  • Echo Chambers and Filter Bubbles

  • Erosion of Trust in Traditional Information Sources

There have been attempts to address the breakdown of sense-making through centralized technology solutions. However, these systems not only perpetuate the issues related to trust and reliability but also create new vulnerabilities and limitations through:

  • Centralisation of Power and Control

  • Censorship and Surveillance

  • Susceptibility to Misinformation and Disinformation

  • Monetization and Manipulation of User Data

  • Scalability and Security Concerns

Why an agent-centric network can be a solution

Agent-centric networks offer a promising alternative to centralized technology solutions. By empowering individuals to take control of their data and interactions, these decentralized systems create a more transparent, reliable, and resilient foundation for collective sense-making. Some key reasons why agent-centric networks can serve as a solution include:

  1. Cryptographic Signatures and Data Provenance

  2. No Implied Objectivity

  3. Decentralized Authority and Control

  4. Enhanced Privacy and Security

  5. Censorship and Surveillance Resistant

  6. Human-centered Design

  7. Support for Diverse Perspectives and Synthesis

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